Mavroudis Global Transportation & Logistics

Maritime Cadets to Get Further COVID Funding as SMarT Scheme Extended

November 12, 2021

The scheme had already been extended last year, to mean funding extensions will now be available for up to 12 months in total for each eligible cadet. 

Cadets normally have a SMarT funding period of up to 150-weeks (almost three years) to gain their Certificate of Competency (CoC). But, due to the disruption of the pandemic, allowances have been made to provide more time to complete training, with a maximum of 202 weeks now funded. 

The extension comes in response to feedback from the industry. It means that more cadets will remain sponsored as they continue to develop their skills and knowledge.  

The scheme ensures that sponsoring companies can claim for cadets where they have been unable to complete their training and obtain their CoC because there has been a delay in taking an MCA written exam due to the impact of COVID-19, or STCW safety courses were unavailable for the same reason. The companies will also be able to claim if they were unable to either obtain sea service or complete their MCA approved long course at college due to the impacts of COVID-19. 

Maritime Minister, Robert Courts said: “Cadets are the lifeblood of maritime and the future of our proud nautical heritage. 

“As global leaders in seafarer training, it’s important that the UK sets an example by supporting those who have been unable to finish their training due to the pandemic – inspiring a new generation of Cadets and keeping the UK at the forefront of international maritime.” 

Katy Ware, Director of UK Maritime Services, said: “We know that COVID has had an ongoing impact on training and that many cadets have been unable to complete their training in the time they would normally be expected to. 

“We have extended before and, after listening to industry feedback about what was needed, decided to extend the support further to deliver on that. Cadets are the future of maritime and we must do all we can to support them.” 

Any extension to funding will be available for eligible cadets up to and including 31 October 2024 and requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis. 

For More Information:

Read more here

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